Friday, 9 November 2012

Suduko Competition

The Maths Department organises the yearly Suduko competition across the 6 levels. All students in the school had a chance to take part. After the class quiz, 3 best students from each class were selected to represent the class.

They they compete with all the best players in the level . We are proud that Sue Zheng Yong had come in 2nd and Jovan Chew had won the consolation prize. Well done boys !     

PAL Lessons - Visual Arts

The pupils had their last PAL lesson for the year on 8 Nov. They worked in groups to create animals using recycled materials. They put in a lot of effort cutting and taping the recycled materials together. Then, they painted their animals.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Farwell Card to Mr Chia

The completed work....

The school Art Department is making a combine album from all the class to Mr Chia as a farewell gift. The pupils in 2H brought their magic markers, stickers and decorative materials to design their individual notes.

We are sad that Mr Chia is leaving us but we wish him all the best in his new posting. We will all miss him. I certainly will.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Social Studies Activity

Today our class did an interesting activity for our Social Studies lesson. The students were given lego blocks and they were required to work in groups of 3 to build the tallest tower.

The objective of the lesson was to get the pupils to recapitulate how working together, they can overcome challenges.

I was happy to see most groups able to work well together in teams.

At the end of the activity, the students reflected as a group how well they did as a group. The children aslo learnt that for their group to work well together, they must cooperate and not give up easily. They should also encourage and respect their group members.


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