Wednesday, 8 February 2012

MLEA - Chicken Rice Smelling Experience

Adding some pictures to their writing.
The students working in teams to complete the Group Writing.
The Nasi Briyani is too spicy for Gabrielle !!!
The class had a rice smelling experience for their first Modified Language Experience Approach (MLEA) activity this term.

What is MLEA ?

In MLEA, there is a shared experience that is linked to the Big Book that has been read during Shared Reading ("Chicken Rice" is the Big Book that we read). The shared experience provides the context and content for the children to think and talk about, using the target language structures and vocabulary they have been exposed to in SBA.

With the help of the teacher who transcribes the children's input, the pupils come up with a piece of class writing. This becomes the basis for group writing, when the children work in small groups, before they go on to individual writing.

The whole process is scaffolded for success and pupils also learn about cooperative learning as they work together in mixed-ability groups.

Chicken Rice MLEA Activity

The student were given 3 packets of the following rice:

1) Chicken Rice
2) Nasi Lemak
3) Nasi Briyani

They took turns to smell the covered packet.Then they need to guess the type of rice in each packet before the answers were revealed to them. Next they got a chance to taste all the 3 different type of rice.

We returned to class to vote for our favourite rice and did a class writing. Over the week , the students worked in group to produce their group writing.They have also just completed their individual writing which I will be returning soon.

Parents, do talk to your child about this learning experience at home.

Kai En taking a good smell of a packet of rice.


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