Thursday, 19 April 2012

Learning Journey to National Orchid Garden

It was near recess time by the time we reach the garden. So the first activity was " Eat, Eat, Eat!"

At the VIP Gaden

We learned that the orchids in the VIP Garden were named after Ver Important People who have visited Singapore  

A Sun Dial

The Mist House ws really misty.... and cool

The Golden Shower Arches

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The girls were as lovely as the orchids

The beautiful orchids .....
O 16 April, our class went on a National Education learning journey to the National Orchid Garden.As on all learning journey, the children were excited to go on an outing. For many of them, it was their first visit to the garden. Thank God, we were blessed with wonderful weather that day.

During the trip, the children were able to admire and enjoy the diversity, richness and beauty of one of the largest display of orchids in the world.

Our first stop was the VIP Orcid Garden. The children learnt that the collection of orchids featured here were orchid hybrid named after visiting state dignitaries and VIPs. We caught a glimpse of orchids named after Magaret Thatcher, Princess Masako and many more. We also learned that it is important for Singapore to have close ties with friends from other countries.

Next, we saw our National Flower of Singpore, VANDA Miss JOAQUIM. We then visited the Tan Hoon Siang Mist House. The Mist House was set against a backdrop of tropical foliage and cultural background. We enjoyed a host of rare orchids here.

We then went into the COOL House which encloses a montane tropical forest. The cool air, drifting mist and rushing torrent provide a highly realistic representation of high elevation sites in the tropics for the children.

It was an unforgettable experience for everyone.


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